This isn’t a business. We sell our honey to cover our beekeeping costs. To borrow a phrase from the antiques trade, in a good year the bees “wipe their faces”. The new season’s crop comes in at the end of August, and when it’s gone … it’s gone. Usually there is enough to get us through to the next year.

Our honey is available in 454g (that’s a full old-fashioned pound) jars for which we charge £10 each, or £40 for five jars. You are welcome to have a mix of varieties if we have them in stock. Wax blocks are £2 each.
We can arrange either:
- for you to pop around to Townend, Caterham-on-the-hill to collect it at a mutually suitable time, and pay by cash or card on collection
- or for us to drop it round to you and collect cash or card payment on delivery at a time when you will be at home. You need to be within 10 minutes walk of Townend, Caterham-on-the-hill to take advantage of this.
Just get in touch and tell us what you would like.
Sorry, we don’t post honey. The whole point is that the best honey is from where you live, there is no need for it to travel many miles. Your own local beekeeper will be very pleased to hear from you. For the wider Croydon area, you can find our beekeeping colleagues through Croydon Beekeepers.
Some stuff you should know
Our honey is been bottled with great care in a domestic kitchen where cross contamination with allergens is possible.
It is recommended that honey is not given to infants under 12 months old. Why?