This is how beeswax looks when it has been melted down, filtered and poured into moulds.
Beeswax has been used for centuries in all kinds of ways. It’s fantastic for candles as it burns very cleanly without smoke – this is why it is so prized for use in churches. You can make polish from it for furniture, or to keep leather supple. It can lubricate a violin bow, or help to get screws into hardwood.
A new modern use for beeswax is to make beeswax wraps. Rather than use cling-film to cover food in the fridge or in a packed lunch, wrap it in a piece of cotton that has been soaked in beeswax. It’s re-usable and easy to keep clean.

These particular blocks won 1st prize at the South of England Honey Show. This kind of show-quality beeswax is what you need if you want to make skin care products. Only the wax that the bees have used to seal over the top of honey cells is used, temperatures are very carefully managed to prevent the wax spoiling, and it is very finely filtered.
We have a limited supply of these blocks available.